Creating Surveys

Creating surveys involves two broad steps: framing the right questions and configuring the distribution.

Framing the Right Questions

1. Choose a template or start from scratch

Navigate to the Research Tab on Blitzllama's dashboard and click the "Launch Research" CTA in the top right corner. Then, choose one of the following options:

  • "Create new survey" to start from scratch.

  • "Choose from templates" to select from 60+ survey templates used by top companies.

2. Question types

Blitzllama offers various question types:

Rating - Number

Rating - Emoji

Rating - Stars

Rating - NPS

Choices - Single Select

Choices - Multi Select

Open Ended Text


Thank you card

3. Use AI to frame or refine questions

Blitzllama's AI-survey creator simplifies the process of framing high-quality questions.

  • The AI survey creator is preloaded with your company's context, ensuring relevant questions. You can customize further if needed.

  • Add your survey's objectives and hypotheses to make the questions more personalized.

  • Choose "Evaluative" for more objective questions (ratings and choices) or "Generative" for more open-ended questions.

  • Set the maximum number of questions for the survey.

  • Click "Generate" to create the questions.

4. Customizing questions logic

  • Add conditional logic to display certain questions based on specific criteria.

  • Include images with any question. Images appear above the question text.

  • Customize all text elements, including subtext, legends, CTAs, and enable option shuffling.

5. Adding multiple languages

  • Personalize survey language into 50+ languages based on users' app language preferences.

  • Multilingual responses are automatically translated into English while preserving the original text.

  • AI-analysis is performed on all multilingual responses.

6. Personalize questions with user attributes and event properties

  • Increase response rates by personalizing questions with user attributes (e.g., "Hey Jack, do you have a minute?") or event-properties ("How would rate your "iPhone 15" purchase experience"?).

  • Implement personalization in Blitzllama using liquid tags. For more information, checkout the personalization documentation.

Configure the Distribution

1. Choose Platform

  • Blitzllama supports all major mobile and web platforms. If you haven't integrated Blitzllama into your product yet, check out the integration documentation first.

  • You can also launch Blitzllama surveys as link surveys and distribute them via Email or WhatsApp.

2. Cohort

Using the cohorts feature, precisely control which users see surveys:

  • By default, the survey is shown to all users. You can add user attribute conditions to filter further.

  • To show the survey to a specific set of users, you can:

    • upload a list of user IDs using a CSV

    • use your cohorts from existing tools like Mixpanel, Segment, Amplitude, etc.

3. Trigger

Use triggers to display surveys at the right moment of the product experience:

  • All your configured triggers will appear in the dropdown.

  • If multiple surveys are running on a single trigger, you can prioritize which surveys should appear first.

4. Survey Frequency

  • Wait period: Set the minimum number of days to wait before surveying the same user again. This applies across all Blitzllama surveys, ensuring users are not overwhelmed with frequent surveys.

  • Repeat frequency: Configure how often a user sees the same survey. Options include setting limits based on: (i) Number of times viewed (e.g., up to 3 times) (ii) Response to the first question (iii) Completion of the entire survey.

5. Sample Size and End Conditions

  • Sample size selection provides confidence metrics. 90% confidence is the default and works for most research scenarios.

  • Alternatively, you can set an end date for the survey.

  • You can also set daily limits on the maximum number of responses.

You're now ready to launch the survey! You can save the survey draft, edit the survey even after launching, and pause it at any time.

Customizing the UI/UX

Before we conclude, let's cover one last important aspect:

Head to the Settings tab to customize the look and feel of your surveys. These settings apply to all your surveys:

  • All colors are customizable. You can create custom themes.

  • Web surveys have additional options: survey positions, custom CSS, and custom fonts.

  • For link surveys, you can customize the URL as well.

Last updated